Good Listener words on a name tag sticker to show you are sympathetic, empathetic and understanding

Why Hearing (The Unexpected) Is Often Not Believing

Yesterday, I heard a story, Why Seeing (The Unexpected) Is Often Not Believing on National Public Radio (in the US) about people at a crime scene blocking out what is right in front of...
Language Learning Articles

You are not your language. Linguistic snobbery blocks language learning

f you fashion yourself Ernest Hemingway or Jorge Luis Borges’ incarnate and therefore exempt from learning an “inferior” tongue, let’s do a reality check. Where’s your Nobel Prize for Literature? Where are the bookshelves of tomes in your name worthy of mention?

Vote for a language education start-up to get a $100,000 grant

By Tyler Ulrich (guest blogger) Language education is competing against other industries for $100,000 The Loogla language and literacy project may be awarded $100,000 in a grant competition. Watch the video and spread the word! No logins, age...

Defense Language Institute: “We learn foreign languages so you don’t have to”

Which US government agency is most interested in vocal about foreign language training? a) The Department of Education b) The Department of State 3) The Defense Department The answer is #3. The US has no national foreign language...
The Power of Music

The Power of Music to affect the brain and foreign languages

Sometimes when I speak about the pedagogical and healing powers of music, it feels like I am talking to a wall as few teachers, doctors and newsmakers take music seriously. Thankfully, National Public Radio (NPR)...

Learning a Foreign Language Can Help You Live Longer

In his book, Healthy Aging, Dr. Andrew Weil recommends learning a foreign language as a way to prevent Alzheimers. From the ABC News story, "Learning a Foreign Language Can Help You Live Longer": "Weil believes that...

Learn Any Language By Treating it as Music

My local (AOL local news site) just published an article, Learn Any Language By Treating it as Music, about my books. Here's the beginning of the article: Cupertino polyglot, author, and prolific traveler Susanna...

Learning Chinese doesn’t make you a Communist!

This Daily Show clip is hilarious! There is controversy at Hacienda Middle School in California. Some adults are afraid that having kids learn Mandarin will indoctrinate them into being Communists. It's sad to see that people are actually scared about this. McCarthyism all over again? Thanks Aasif Mandvi of the Daily Show for pointing out their idiocy.
english as a second language

How to raise kids in a different country and maintain two languages

In this video interview, Aaron Myers, an expat from the US who has been raising two children in Istanbul for over four years gives advice about how to raise kids in a different country...
music and language

Music can bridge the income gap in education

Music can help people bounce back after a stroke or brain trauma. It can also narrow the achievement gap between poor and rich kids.
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