Arabic tea glass

Review of Rosetta Stone (Arabic), $1 tea lesson is better than $500 Rosetta Stone

I learned more Arabic in 10 minutes with a $1 tea than from 1.5 hours of Rosetta Stone ($500).         (This review shows the negative and positive elements of the Rosetta Stone software for Arabic. I...
learning a foreign language

How to learn a language: surrender to it

The word "surrender" conjures up images of defeat and submission. But when it comes to language learning, the more you give yourself up to your target language, the more successful you will be. Why do...

Polyglot dreaming: In which language do you dream?

I have heard on several occasions that the sign of fluency in a language is when one dreams in the language. That can't be true. Or else I'm fluent in Arabic without being aware...
english as a second language

How to raise kids in a different country and maintain two languages

In this video interview, Aaron Myers, an expat from the US who has been raising two children in Istanbul for over four years gives advice about how to raise kids in a different country...
Susanna Zaraysky in scrubs in front of painting of the brain

Is a polyglot’s brain different?

Listen to this new Subtitle podcast episode "Is a polyglot's brain different?",  to find out the answer. You'll also learn about my language-learning story and about the brains of people who speak many languages. I did...

Beyond Gangnam Style: Learning Korean via Korean Music

An Introduction to Korean Indie Music for Korean Language Learners Guest post by Sam Gendreau It’s been 5 years since I started looking for some of the best possible—preferably noncommercial—Korean bands out there, and today is...

Learning Chinese doesn’t make you a Communist!

This Daily Show clip is hilarious! There is controversy at Hacienda Middle School in California. Some adults are afraid that having kids learn Mandarin will indoctrinate them into being Communists. It's sad to see that people are actually scared about this. McCarthyism all over again? Thanks Aasif Mandvi of the Daily Show for pointing out their idiocy.

What does it take to keep a language alive?

Minde, a Portuguese village of 3000 people, has its own language, Minderico. DSCN1304Minderico developed as a secret language of the textile merchants in the town of Minde. When I heard it, I couldn’t understand anything even though the language has Latin roots.
elite school

Not learning languages reduced job prospects

The Telegraph article, Foreign languages are 'elitist' subjects, came out earlier this year in the UK showing that state jobs require foreign language knowledge while fewer school offer language classes. This means that more people...

Watch “Saved by Language” online or on DVD

The film, Saved by Language about how Moris Albahari saved his life in World War II in Bosnia by using the Ladino language is now available to the public! You can rent it for $7 to watch online as many times as you like in a three-day period or you can buy the DVD for $25 and watch it whenever you want. You can order the DVD in either the PAL or NTSC format. Both the DVD and the online rental have subtitles in English, Ladino, Spanish, Portuguese and Bosnian/Serbo-Croatian.

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