How would you feel if at the age of 29 you found out that about 97% of the population can see in depth and you can’t?
(Interview on Bay Area Focus, CBS TV in San Francisco about One-Eyed Princess, 2D vision and vision therapy.)
Reading about Professor Sue Barry’s journey from 2D to 3D vision in Dr. Oliver Sacks’ article “Stereo Sue” in the New Yorker, Susanna Zaraysky discovered that she could only see in 2D and that there was a way she could improve her depth perception via binocular vision therapy.
Susanna was born with crossed eyes (strabismus) and had two operations to cosmetically straighten her eyes. However, no eye doctor had ever told her that the asymmetry in her eyes caused limited depth perception. Finding out that her limited depth perception explained why she had always struggled with driving, parking, walking down stairs and other activities like tennis and partner dancing that required hand-eye coordination, she yearned to try vision therapy to improve her vision.

One-Eyed Princess shows the journey of a stereoblind person doing eye muscle and brain exercises to straighten her eyes and rewire her brain to wake up dormant binocular brain cells. Along the way to seeing the world in more detail and appreciating depth, Susanna learned not only to see the physical world anew but also to feel reborn into a new inner world.

Benefits of the book:
- If you are cross-eyed, have a lazy eye, are blind in one eye or have other binocular vision issues, this book may help you feel less alone and understand the common issues those of us with limited depth perception experience. If you are considering binocular vision therapy, One-Eyed Princess will show you the possible exercises, challenges, debilitating side effects and wonderful triumphs you may encounter.
- If you have a family member or friend who has limited depth perception, this book can help you understand what it’s like for someone to manage in a 3D world with only 2D vision and the difficulties and triumphs one can have by doing vision therapy.
This book is not prescriptive. Patients’ results vary. One-Eyed Princess is strictly a medical biography written by the author, with no support from any optometric or ophthalmological group. The author does not claim to provide medical advice. The book does contain tips both for those with binocular vision issues and those supporting them.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Newspaper: The Mercury News & Cupertino Courier
Radio: KQED Perspectives
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