Ladino: The “other” Spanish, is dying but saved a life

Version en español. With over 20 official Spanish speaking countries, few people know of another Spanish language: Ladino. The language is also known as judeo-español, Djudeo-Espanyol, Djudeo-Kasteyano, Judezmo, Djudezmo, Spaniolit, and גודיאו-איספאנייול‎‎. No, it’s not...

Video: How the Ladino language saved a Jewish boy’s life during the Holocaust

English subtitles available by pressing the "CC" button in the lower right side of the screen or the Interactive Transcript button to the right of the flag button below the screen. Susanna Zaraysky, autora del...

Watch “Saved by Language” for free!

  **** Press the CC button & the Settings/HD button (next to the CC button) to choose English, Bosnian/Serbo-Croatian, Ladino (Djudeo-Espanyol), Portuguese, Spanish, French or Bulgarian subtitles. Ladino is listed as "Spanish (Spain)". Spanish subtitles...
statistics on music and language learning

Deezer & learning languages with songs

I have partnered with Deezer's streaming music service for their Music and Language campaign. We did a research survey with 12,000 participants in 6 countries to see how people are already using songs to learn...

CNN interview: Why maintain an ancestral language like Ladino

Susanna Zaraysky habla con Mercedes Soler en el program de NotiMujer en la CNN en Español sobre el idioma ladino (el antiguo español de los judíos explusados de España durante la Inquisición católica en...

Watch “Saved by Language” and other Judeo-Spanish documentaries for free!

The producers of the documentary Saved by Language are organizing a Judeo-Spanish Language Week online festival. Four recent films and one new audio project about the endangered language of Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) will be available for free from February 21 to February 26 at:

Música como herramienta, entrevista sobre El Idioma es Música en CNN con Susanna Zaraysky

Entrevista con Susanna Zaraysky, autora de "El Idioma es Música", sobre cómo aprender idiomas con música y los medios. Susanna es rusa y habla 7 lenguas.  
how to learn a new language fast

Porqué los inmigrantes deben hablar inglés

Susanna Zaraysky habla con Mercedes Soler de CNN en Español acerca de la importancia de saber varios idiomas, sobre todo el inglés, en los EEUU. Susanna es experta en el aprendizaje de...
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Article about “El Idioma es música” printed in over 10 countries

The EFE America news service published the article, Expertos en idiomas destacan la importancia de aprender español con música, about my book, El Idioma es música. It was re-published in over 10 Spanish speaking countries...

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