January not only brought in a new year, it brought in three new books!

First, I updated Language is Music with about 30 new tips on language learning using music, TV, radio, movies and other media and I added information from scientific studies about the relationship of music and language, bilingualism and language learning.Russian-edition-Language-is Music

Then my Russian publisher, published the Russian edition of Language is Music, Легкий способ быстро выучить иностранный язык с помощью музыки a week early!

In this video, you can hear a short Russian radio broadcast in Russian on 18 January 2014 about how the book teaches people how to listen when learning languages:

To make January not seem as cold as it is in the Northern Hemisphere, the Portuguese edition of Language is Music, Idioma é música, was published and brought some Brazilian sunshine to my life!

perf5.500x8.500.inddBrazil is getting ready for the World Cup and Olympic Games and I want to help Brazilians learn other languages.

If you read Portuguese, you can read these articles in the Brazilian-American press about Idioma é música:

Livro mostra como aprender um idioma estrangeiro usando músicas

Livro ensina como aprender idiomas através da música e mídia



aprender inglés cantando
Tu Desayuno Alegre, January 2014

Adding to the new books, I also did some more media interviews about why and how to learn foreign languages, with a special focus on Spanish-speaking immigrants in the US. I had an interview on Tu Desayuno Alegre (aired 11 February 2014) and I was interviewed by the Panamerica World online magazine in Spanish (Susanna Zaraysky: 8 idiomas, 8 formas de interpretar el mundo) and in English (Susanna Zaraysky: 8 languages, 8 ways to interpret the world).