The Borscht Whisperer, Jon Stewart

How Russian speakers can sound harsh in English without realizing it

Jon Stewart of The Daily Show made a funny and correct assessment of why Russian speakers sound "evil" in English, although they may not have any bad intentions. "I wonder if Russia has been our...
learning a foreign language

Making language learning free and available to all

Aaron Myers and I met in Istanbul, Turkey in November 2011. Aaron Meyers has created his project, I-586, to bring free language learning materials to people in languages other than English since so many...
learning a foreign language

How deaf people can learn foreign languages with music

I often hear these excuses: "I have no ear for languages" or "I don't have any musical talent, so I can't learn a foreign language". WRONG! Here is a very short video I did on Spanish...
english as a second language

How to learn Turkish

Here is the second part of my conversation with Aaron Myers of Everyday Language Learner, an expat from the United States who has been living in Istanbul for over four years. We met in...
how to learn a foreign language

Aprender inglês com música, “For the Longest Time”

Aprendi português ouvindo a radio portuguesa e cancoes brasileiras. Sei que e posivel aprender uma nova lingua sem viver no pais onde se fala a lingua. Eu nunca morei em um pais que fala...
english as a second language

Ai, Se Eu Te Pego! Learn a catchy Brazilian song, learn Brazilian Portuguese

Do you want to know what the Brazilian Portuguese words "nossa", "balada", "pegar", and "galera" mean? Do you want to distinguish the words "mas" and "mais" and not confuse them? You can learn those lessons in...
english as a second language

How to raise kids in a different country and maintain two languages

In this video interview, Aaron Myers, an expat from the US who has been raising two children in Istanbul for over four years gives advice about how to raise kids in a different country...
english as a second language

Video: Simple tips for learning languages

So you're not from a bilingual family and you live in a monolingual area where there's no one who speaks the language you're learning, you can still learn a new language. Aaron Myers and I...
how to learn a new language fast

How to learn languages and make them stick

Last week, I did a guest post on Polyglot Dream (Luca Lampariello's popular language learning blog about how to learn languages and attain native-like pronunciation. I internalize the foreign languages that I learn to...
learning a foreign language

Three polyglots meet in Poland

Do polyglots just talk about language learning? If we did, we'd probably bore each other very quickly! I had the pleasure of meeting Richard Simcott and Luca Lampariello in Poznań, Poland earlier this month. We share...

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