
Covid nije prevara (Bosanski/Bosnian-Serbo-Croatian)

Iza svake hospitalizacije od COVID-a ili statistike o smrti, pronaći ćete ljude kao što sam ja – članove porodice, prijatelje, kolege ili komšije. Sve nas koji ne možemo biti kraj samrtne postelje onih koje...

Living in multiple realities

Being a world traveler and polyglot can disorient someone, even a seasoned traveler like myself. I think my brain is not able to process multiple realities simultaneously. I am actually kind of embarrassed to...

La Covid n’est pas une fake news (Français/French)

Derrière chaque statistique d'hospitalisation ou de décès Covid, vous trouverez de nombreuses personnes comme moi qui ont un membre de la famille, un ami, un collègue ou un voisin hospitalisé avec la Covid. Ceux...
Mental health problems

How to identify depression and find help

I am writing to convince you why it’s important to talk to people who are close to you about their mental health issues. If you don’t want to do it because it makes you...

COVID, это не мистификация (Pусский/Russian) За статистикой всех госпитализаций или смертей связанных с COVID существует много людей похожих на меня Это члены семьи друзья коллеги и соседи кого-то кто госпитализирован с COVID Те кто не смог быть у смертного одра своего любимого могут прожить всю оставшуюся...

Covid non é uno scherzo (Italiano)

Dietro di ogni statistica di ricovero o morte per Covid, ci sono persone come me, familiari, amici, colleghi o vicini di qualcuno malato di Covid. Coloro che non possono stare accanto al letto di...

I was a child refugee. Don’t send back the migrant ships!

After long last, I am making videos again. Below you have a video in Italian and a blog post in English and link to the original Italian article I wrote. VIDEO: I made this video "I...

Why culture and language matter

My friend Eric Blaisdell painted these drawings when he was teaching English in Japan to show important it is to learn cultural norms when in a foreign country. In the case of the clueless...

Covid no es una broma (Español/Spanish)

Detrás de cada estadística de muerte o hospitalización de Covid, hay muchas personas como yo, que son familiares, amigos, colegas o vecinos de alguien que está hospitalizado con Covid. Aquellos que no pudieron estar...
Confessions of an Economic Hit man

Living in the middle of many worlds

Are you multilingual and looking for a job? How about being a spy or economic hit man? Candidate character description: Multilingual, sensitive to other cultures, can mix with local populations in difficult areas around the world,...

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