I have addressed various audiences with my speeches and seminars.

In March 2014, I conducted a TEDx talk in Santa Cruz, California about how to save endangered languages using music and how and why to learn modern foreign languages.English as a Second Language |

In August 2012, I was a speaker on how to use music and the media to preserve endangered languages at Google’s Endangered Languages Panel.
Via Fulbright-Hays grants and other Public Affairs programs, the US State Department has organized presentations for me to speak to teachers, university professors and students in Bosnia, Cuba, Bosnia, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Thailand and Qatar about using music and the media to learn foreign languages. English as a Second Language |
In Denmark in May 2014, I spoke to Danish teachers and to refugee and immigrant students and parents about how to learn Danish using music and the media.
I have given presentations about her books at the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, San Jose State University, SUNY Fredonia, Illinois College, Idaho State University and at the University of San Francisco about how to become global citizens by traveling abroad and learning foreign languages. See the quote below from a student who attended my seminar at the University of San Francisco.
In August 2008, I spoke to new citizens at US Immigration Ceremonies about their role as multilingual people in bridging cultural gaps in the United States and abroad.
On December 25, 2008, I spoke about the “Cultural interactions between the United States and Arabs” during a panel discussion at the Doha International Book Fair, discussing how language education, movies, music, and the arts can be cultural bridges between the US and Arab countries.
If you would like to have me speak at a conference, university or other event, please fill out the contact form.
When I read the email about Susanna’s book talk, I distinctly remember my jaw dropping. My eyes lit up and I rushed straight for my planner so I could meet a woman who is fluent in 7 languages, lived in 9 countries, and traveled to 48 of them. I met a lot of people due to traveling and I have never been more impressed with anyone until I met her. She gave me a much-needed spark of inspiration to travel the world and learn languages. A lot of people (particularly distant family members) are impressed with the fact that I am almost trilingual and speak with fluency. Furthermore, they question how I can travel so much when I am not from a wealthy family. English as a Second Language However, I know this is absolutely possible. Susanna confirmed this.
During her talk, I was amazed with the tips she gave us regarding traveling and treating a language like music. I had mini-epiphanies during her talk and nodded my head in agreement with everything she said. I know it is true but to hear someone with experience say it made it resonate deeper within me. When Susanna and I spoke after her book talk, I probably learned more invaluable tips she gave me than anyone else I met in my life regarding languages and traveling. In a way, meeting Susanna is a turning point in my life. If that was just a talk ABOUT her book, I can only imagine how valuable her book will be! I will aspire to do what she did and give back to others who are like-minded.
Joseph Harris, University of San Francisco